
Wining, Dining & Laughing

Did you have a good weekend? I spent my weekend in Dallas with some of my besties and I had the greatest time. Call us boring, but we had not one, but two girls nights in. We still got dressed up and had some great food, lots of laughs and lots of good conversation in my friend's beautiful new dining room. Would you believe she found those chairs on Craigslist? And would you also believe that I didn't get any pictures of us girls in our cute outfits?? I guess we drank too much wine and had too much fun. But I did get some practice with my camera before both dinners (still need some work, but getting there). I also took a few shots of my friend's GORGEOUS angel-like son. Don't you just want to pinch those cheeks?? So cute!

Happy Monday!

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  1. there is NOTHING like good friends! my besties are spread across the country, and any opportunity to see them is an opportunity i take! we don't get to see each other often, but when we do, it's all laughs.

  2. Beautiful Baby and beautiful dinning room! Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. Beautiful pics Tiffany! The baby is just TOO cute!!!! Great shot :)

  4. So glad you had a nice weekend! I love Dallas and girls' nights in can be even more fun then heading out for a night on the town. Your pictures are beautiful!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful evening. I hosted a dinner party for friends this weekend too! By the way, that little baby is the cutest! Love those cheeks!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful time! I just spent a camping weekend with my besties. Definitely not the same as the wining and dining weekend, but any time with the girls is a good time. Your friend's baby is just the cutest! Definitely want to squish his little face. So adorable! Thanks for sharing.


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