
Me & Twitter

I hope all of you are enjoying the rest of your weekend!

Well I finally did it. I'm on Twitter! Well, my blog is. You might be thinking, "That girl is just now getting on Twitter??" Yep, this girl is just now getting on Twitter. Well, I created my account months ago and our relationship did not get off to a good start. I just found it to be so confusing! I now confess that I didn't give it a chance. I gave it another try a few weeks ago and I am officially HOOKED! It still took some time to figure out what the @ signs, # signs and the FF's meant, but I think I am hip to the game now! Giada de Laurentiis responded to one of my tweets last night, so how could I not be hooked??

So please, click here if you would like to...


   I hope to see you there!

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1 comment:

  1. Cornell email is a component of Cornell G Suit for Students and Alumni, which also includes a calendar and other collaboration tools. This G Suit of Cornell, which was formerly known as Cmail, is provided to students by the college in exchange for their contact information. Students and alumni must activate their Cornell net IDs Cornell email since the G Cornell ID is automatically supplied by the College, and there are many Cornell email providers that may be chosen for better communication in educational institutions. They must adhere to these requirements to get their account authorised when the college creates distinct Cornell G suite accounts for each student.


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