
Meditations On Life + Style: What Dayka Knows For Sure

My final guest is Dayka from Meditations on Life & Style. I met Dayka over a year ago as I was shopping in Restoration Hardware. She told me she was a blogger and an aspiring interior designer. Dreamy I thought... So since that day, I have kept in touch with her and have sort of adopted her as my "blogger mentor". She is now a full-time talented designer who has a passion for thrifting and refinishing furniture. Here is what she knows for sure about that...

What I know for sure is refinishing furniture.

I don't profess to be the best in the world, but give me a beat up old piece of furniture that someones discarded and I'll be like Rumplestilskin and spin straw into gold.

I passionately believe in recycling furniture, buying pieces intentionally, and creating a look with character that tells a story. My motto is live with what you love, and for me this means shopping secondhand. Even if refinishing isn't your thing, try picking up a pair of old lamps from a thrift store and updating them with a new custom shade! It puts a new spin on an old favorite and gives you a story to tell in the process.  

What I knew for sure about furniture refinishing is that it pays to do what you love. Who knows---you may even be like me and find your purpose in the process....

"Finding purpose in the process..." Love that and love the post! Thanks Dayka! Dayka is also a co-founder of Room Service Atlanta, a non-profit group of local designers that aid other charities in Atlanta. Their first project will be to install home interiors to the Nicholas House, which is an organization that helps individuals and families transform from homelessness to self-sufficiency. It's a wonderful thing so check it out! 
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  1. Love that campaign desk! Beautiful transformations, all of them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dayka is a beast when it comes to thrifting and finding great pieces! I have a few pieces that she found:)

    THanks for featuring her!

  3. WOW! So impressed with those refurbishments!!!

  4. I love each one of these made over beauties! Hope your work is going well, Tiffany. Can you see the light yet?

  5. I love Dayka's blog and her beautiful restorations of old furniture....Thank you, so inspiring!

  6. Tiffany, thank you so much for having me! You should be proud of yourself for taking the jump and starting your blog--it's scary in the beginning but so worthwhile in the end. Can't wait to catch up during our RSA install week!

  7. love the white painted campaign chest. great look...

    tiffany, how are you coming along??? just a few more days...hang in there!



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