
I Might Have To Have These...

Ok ok ok. I know many of you have seen 500 different photos that feature the infamous Hunter boots...

Have you seen that one?? Too cute! Anyway, the reason I am bringing them up is that recently my girl Kara and I were discussing these boots over e-mail. She recently did a post about them and I told her that I wanted a pair, but was unsure of how much I would really wear them... Well, I was browsing the the other day and saw these babies...

Hunter wedges?? LOVE! I had no clue these existed, so I apologize if this is not as exciting to you as it is to me! Wedges are actually more comfortable for me than flats and these just seem to be a bit more stylish and versatile.

What do you think? Did you already know about these?

Oh and Mom- If you are reading this, can I have these for Christmas?? :)

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  1. I told Kara we bought our daughter a pair of Hunter rain boots for Christmas last year...a must have in our rainy months for walking to and from class. We plan to get our youngest a pair this year. They are great with the fleece inserts in them!

  2. Oh no...I could be in trouble, because I LOVE these! They are so cute and I love the wedge - so stylish and chic. This is the first I have seen these, so thanks for sharing!!

    P.s. Thanks for the shout-out! xo

  3. These wellies on all these blogs are really making me want to get some. The wedges are HOT! You should go for it!

  4. Very cute!!! I think you could rock those very well.

  5. I've seen boots like that at the shoe stores, but I don't think I could pull off that look.

  6. These are absolutely going on my Christmas list too! They are toooo fabulous!
    Hope you have a great weekend, Tiffany.


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