

It's Friday!! And it's FREEZING! I feel like we just skipped fall and went straight to winter or something... But I'm not complaining because this is my favorite season of the year after all. I'm writing this post in bed a few layers of blankets with a little hot tea at my side - and I'm as happy as a clam. What's going on this weekend? Aside from working on a few things for the blog and errand running, I plan to do a lot of what I'm doing right now - cozying up in warm blankets, watching a few of these documentaries on Netflix, and just relaxing! I hope you have a great weekend!

I've started my 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - the easy way! Ha. I'll be updating it often and will post a few special things here over the next few weeks!

"Sitting is the new smoking" was the first sentence of this post. Gosh that got my attention- and I'm glad it did! Very helpful...

There were so many great makeovers in the #OneRoomChallenge this year, but this makeover was my favorite...

I took two straight months off of work a few years ago, so I could completely relate to this article...

I had no idea that this could be made at home - in my own kitchen.

The holidays make lists like these that much more relevant...

I could party in this...

And wrap up in this...

Image via A Thousand Threads...

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  1. Tiffany, I haven't commented before, but it's time I tell you how much I love, love your blog! I've been reading it for about a year now and you truly have the most impeccable and elegant taste (and if I may say so -- much better content than some of the other full time paid bloggers out there). I hope you'll post some more Thanksgiving & Holiday/Winter posts (I want everything in your gift guide!) so I can be inspired by them as the dates approach. I love this time of year too.

    1. Hi Elizabeth!! Whenever I'm feeling down about blogging, I will just refer back to your comment! Thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts - that means a lot. I'm so glad you enjoy my content. I will certainly be working on some holiday posts over the next few weeks! Have a great weekend!

  2. Enjoy staying warm on this chilly day - even in Texas it's cold!! And thanks for sharing the links, especially loved the ORC!!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  3. I love reading your links on my Sundays (I'm in Australia so ahead of you!). The Elle article about burnout was spookily accurate for many women I know. Thanks Tiffany! x

  4. So nice to have a moment to see all of your links this week. Got a kick out of the last stretch on that sitting is the new smoking!!!! Have a great week Tiffany


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