

Wow. It's been since January huh?? Well, I'm still here and it's my hope that you are, too. How have you been?? So many of you sweet people have asked me what's been up and I guess I have a few answers to that question. The short answer is that I've been nowhere. I've just been doing my same routine most days - work, cook, eat, sleep, read, hanging out with my friends and my family, managing my house and my health, browsing (and sometimes posting to) social media, and doing some traveling. In the midst of all of that, I guess I've been contemplating the fate of this space a little more than usual. But before I dive into that, let me give you a health update - because that might give you a little more insight as to why it's been quieter around here...

If you recall, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in March of 2016 - March 8th to be exact. You can read more about that here, here and here. Once I was diagnosed, I dove into this unknown, scary, and really uncomfortable world of learning how to control this symptoms naturally (i.e. without medication) through diet and lifestyle changes. Well, I am SO excited to say that my disease is in remission! I actually learned that back in early February, but I honestly didn't believe the results - despite the fact that I had been consistently feeling better and better. It had been less than a year at that point since I had been diagnosed and per my doctor and my research, remission could happen - but usually not that soon. But I had another test last month that yielded even better results, so I believe it now. I am in remission. I remember getting in my car right after I got the results at my doctor's office feeling like I had just won what has mentally and physically been by far the toughest battle of my life. I've always known that hard work pays off, but this honestly takes the cake...

So how did I get to this point in less than a year?? Basically it all came down to consistently eating a clean diet and keeping a self-care regimen. I kept doing the same things I mentioned back in this post - over and over and over again until I started to feel better. I quit eating gluten, dairy, processed sugar, wheat, soy, eggs, and some nightshades- all foods that a Food Sensitivity test yielded I was sensitive to. I didn't and still haven't slipped up not one single time. I meditated every single day (and still do). I formed a team of doctors and specialists that included a naturopathic doctor, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist who essentially helped me put my body back together. I saw all of them except my naturopath almost weekly for about 8 months. I took (and still take) supplements that supported my thyroid and certain vitamin levels - and I never missed a single day of taking them. I stuck to nighttime routine and sleep schedule most nights. And I prayed every single day that God would give me the strength to not give up (which I wanted to do HUNDREDS of times) and for the energy to get through long days that consisted of work, multiple appointments some weeks, LOTS of meal planning and cooking all of my meals, and all of the other random things that just needed to be dealt with on a daily basis. And He came through as always...

That gets me to how I'm doing and feeling today...

Physically, I feel the best I've felt in a really long time - even before my symptoms were really apparent. Most of my symptoms are gone and have been gone for quite some time. My random anxiety and constant fatigue have dissipated, my hair has stopped falling out, I sleep well most nights, and my intense brain fog has lifted. I can certainly tell a difference in how much quicker I can think and how well I remember things compared to this time last year. I still have heart palpitations when I don't get enough sleep or when I'm a bit stressed about something, but they are far less than they used to be. Because of those crazy things called hormones, I might have one or two migraines a month. I used to have on average 10-15 a month just a few years ago, so one or two is certainly tolerable. I've also seen a lot of positive changes in my skin, hair, nails, and body since I've changed my diet. Do I feel amazing everyday? No. But I'm not 18 anymore either...

Mentally, I've got some work to do. Getting sick like that just freaked me out. And you might imagine that all of the work I've done over the past year to heal has left little time and energy to really enjoy life. Getting well has been like a second full-time job - one that I didn't really have time for in the first place. And while managing the disease now doesn't take as much time now as the healing process did in the beginning, it still takes time. In order to keep this disease at bay, I still have to be very careful about managing stress and what I eat. I still see my chiropractor weekly. I see my acupuncturist and massage therapist monthly. Blood tests with my naturopath are done quarterly. But the food is the biggest part. I've added back some foods into my diet, but might never be able to have gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, some grains, some nightshades, or processed sugars again without the possibility of a reoccurrence of symptoms. Time will tell. But being a foodie and not being able to eat whatever I want has been depressing - literally. Going out to eat, which was one of my favorite things to do, is now quite stressful sometimes. Food really heals- and my journey is a true testament to that. But eating this way is hard work sometimes! I often feel like I live in my kitchen. While batch cooking fresh food a few days a week is so good for you (and the food often tastes so good and fresh!), it can be so time-consuming and tiresome when you don't have help and work full-time. Don't get me wrong - I'm so incredibly thankful for where I am now, but I'd be lying if I were to say that my new routine is always easy. It's definitely not.

With all of that being said, here is where I think I stand with this blog. Now that I am physically healthier, I want to start enjoying life with my leftover energy and free time as opposed to being in front of the computer all day at work and all night to blog- then behind the camera most of the weekends to shoot blog posts. I also want to start exploring that whole "finding your purpose" thing (which is a whole other story). Today, my heart says to keep blogging in addition to working on all of that, but my mind says to stop. However, a week ago, the opinions of my heart and mind might have been the opposite. I still love writing, photography, design, and food, but I've realized that those things can't be a priority anymore until I figure some other things out. I've always heard that sickness can quickly and completely change your priorities and how you think and feel about certain things that you once thought were so damn important and necessary. I now know that to be so true. Anyway, I'm not sure if/when my heart and mind will ever be in alignment, but here is what I will do in the meantime:

I will blog here when I have something really special, personal, and original (to me) to share... 

And by special, it could be a life update or a photography project (food or life related) that I really want to share and have time to tell you about. It might be monthly, every two months... Or I might be go really crazy sometimes and do something once a week or every other week. I honestly have no idea. One thing I do know is that I recently went on trip to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I'd be crazy not to share the photos I took with you here. So I will - and soon! In the meantime, you can always find me on Instagram. I do often share little updates there. I sometimes also do random InstaStories of things I love, things I'm doing, and recipes that I'm making. It's easier for now (and often more fun!) to share things with you there.

So that's what's up for now! I want to thank each and every single one of you who have reached out to me to see if I'm still around. As you can see, this last year has been a little tough, so getting lovely messages from people I've never even met before were double heartfelt and I'm so appreciative... :)

Dress: Max Studio (under $100 and is so comfy!) | Coin Necklace: vintage, similar here | Shoes: Topshop (old), similar here & here | Sunglasses: Banana Republic (old), similar here

Images by my amazing brother

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  1. This post makes me beyond grateful for you! Also makes me realize I need some time spent with you. So happy to hear you are still in remission. My turn next!

  2. I am so glad to hear you are doing better and are in remission. As you know, we totally get it. Elie has done so well with diet, exercise and sleep, but it's HARD! The biggest change was when she quit coaching and teaching (which she loved, but wasn't worth the stress). Katie still has a little ways to go, but we are early on in finding the right thyroid supplements/meds for her. I feel better than I have in years, but like you...sticking to a VERY strict diet is HARD!!! But, so worth it in the end.
    I too took some time off from blogging after we lost my MIL. It just didn't seem important, when I could be spending time with "real" people who are in my presence. I returned this past week and will only blog when I have the time or something I want to share.

  3. I just found you, in reading and searching the internet on design and lifestyle blogs. I am really excited for what is to come for you! We all come to that point in our lives when we have to take a step back to re-evaluate, shift and just plain figure it out :). I am new to your blog, but, I would say, take the time you need to take care of YOU-everything else will fall into divine place. I wish you well in healing and many blessings!

    1. Hi Deneise! Welcome! Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I'm looking forward to seeing how things fall into place, so we will see! :)

  4. Wow Tiffany I am soooo glad to hear you are in remission! And your persistence to get better totally inspires me. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder back in 2014 and to be honest, since then I've kind of been in denial about it. I've made SOME lifestyle changes, but I haven't been consistently FIGHTING. Your diligence truly inspires me! Blessings, Niki.

    1. I'm so glad you are inspired! Putting health first is often so hard and inconvenient, but it's so worth it in the end. I'm here for you, so feel free reach out to me if you need anything!

  5. Friend! So happy to hear you so happy : ) I am proud of you for hanging in there and being smart with your life to get yourself well. That's simply amazing. I have a co-worker with major thyroid issues (she has Graves Disease) and although I know it's different, I sent her your posts with the information about your game plan. I hope it helps her! So thank you for sharing : ) And girl, I'm with you about the blogging thing. It just seems so... irrelevant, I guess... in the grand scheme of things. I mean, I also love it, it's very fun, but it's not the most important thing in life, that's for sure! I can't wait to continue to keep up with you on social media and hopefully get together again one day! Miss you!

  6. Well my Tiffany sweetheart you must always opt for what is best for you. You know and understand that now which is wonderful. I'm tickled pink to hear of your Hashi is in remission. My heart leapt with full joy. I'm so very happy for you. You worked trmendiously hard on finding the cause and correcting things. Good for you. Life is so precious and things happen in a flash. We all have to be mindful of that and live our days to the fullest. I love your blog and I'll be here when you elect the time post. You inspire me Tiffany you really do hun. Light, live, blessings and continued healing. 🤗😘☺

    1. Hi Tracey! You always leave such thoughtful comments and I'm so thankful! Your support is inspiring and I really do appreciate it!

  7. Tiffany it is so great to hear that you are in remission! I know that all the changes have not been easy for you especially with a challenging career. Let's plan to catch up some weekend while you are at home chopping all of those veggies. By the way, I just ordered that fabulous summer dress, on sale and an additional 20% off for the July 4th sale. Yay!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi Tiffany, it is so good to see a post from you here today and read that you are doing so much better. While we don't know each other, I've always enjoyed stopping by and seeing your updates, all of them from home interiors to fashion, food and wellness--- and our wellness is priceless, governing all other areas of our lives. Mostly, I love your strong commitment to God, family and good values, especially in our world today. All is possible and like you, I have avoided gluten, go dairy-free and limit sugars too for the most part for over 10 years now (thankfully to a gf at work who felt I was wheat etc intolerant) and at 50, I feel like a 5 year old at times; my energy level still surprises me at times. I am forever grateful that I caught this food intolerance in time to avoid any invasive testing and treatment, and worse long-term damage my intestines. These intolerances tend to create more harm as we get older, not so much in our younger teens to 20's per se. Then again, farming was a lot more carefully thought-out back in the 60's to 80's than today with all these lab created hormones to ripen produce, grains and even our fish and chicken in record speed for grocery shelves, sales and profit.

    I even send my family doc a box of gluten-free cookies etc at holiday time which makes him laugh, but working with a holistic professional with a more natural approach is a gift! Deep 8 - 9 hour sleep time at nights and rest is vital too, as is keeping your circle of connections wholesome, healthy and positive. I continue to keep you in my prayers with ongoing healing and many, many happy blisses along the way. Everything will work out well for you. Stay true to you and stay peaceful and blessed! :)

    1. Wow Suzy... Thanks for such a beautiful and thoughtful comment. I am so inspired by your health journey and I appreciate that you shared it. Your recommendations about sleep and keeping healthy connections is so true - which are big reasons why I'm pulling back from the blog a bit. I am so glad that you enjoy the blog - and thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers!

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