
So Excited...

I think that is the cutest thing ever...
Are you as excited as he is that Christmas is only two days away??
I am. 
I hope that Santa brings you everything you asked for. 
Make sure you leave cookies or something for him...  I used to leave apple Fig Newtons.  He liked them. :)

I'll be spending the next week or so with my family, in my bed sleeping and in my closets and drawers (cleaning out), so I will see you in the New Year. Well, maybe sooner if I need a bloggy fix.

 I wish you and your family a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday.

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  1. That is the cutest photo. Merry Christmas to you too. Enjoy your time with family. :)

  2. Ok that is the cutest photo ever! And yes, I feel like that too... like a little kid! Only two sleeps until Christmas : ) Have a merry merry Christmas, Tiffany!! xo

  3. Tiffany, that picture is a keeper and I am pinning in:) Wishing you, my friend a very merry Christmas and may you enjoy the season to its fullest with those you love....enjoy!!

  4. That photo is so cute Tiffany. Enjoy the holidays with your family! Merry Christmas.

  5. Ha...too cute! I had to laugh, I found a note the girls wrote to Santa a long time ago the other day, and it said here is some cookies and Sprite for you (in case you are lactose). LOL Both of our girls are lactose intolerant!! ROFL

  6. Merry Christmas, Tiffany! Have a wonderful time with your family. xo

  7. What a cute photo!
    Hope you have a wonderful time Tiffany! Happy Holidays!


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