

Hi!! Are you still there?? I needed a little break friends... I had a busy week of work followed by a few days off and I decided to take extra full advantage of those days. I met friends for dinner, deep-cleaned my house, read a whole book in two days, took more than a few naps (no surprise there I assume...), did a spa day, watched movies and trash TV in the middle of the day, worked out, rehydrated, cooked lots - and just relaxed. I feel quite revived... Here are a few more things I did, learned, and loved during my time off... 

I mentioned here that I planned to read The Girl On The Train soon - and I did just that last week. I read it almost nonstop for two days. LOVED IT! I have to say that it is honestly one of the best books I've ever read. Paula Hawkins's writing just sucked me right in down to the very last swipe as I read it on my iPad. The mix of characters their issues made for the best- and ruthless I might add- thriller. It's quite the mystery that is just so very good. They hype about this book is real - and I honestly think that it's SO much better than Gone Girl. The characters were better and the slightly unexpected ending was definitely better. If you need a good read, this is it!

The purchased my last pair of nude strappy heels about ten years ago and they were looking more than ten years old. So I purchased these during Shopbop's sale a few weeks ago and BOY did I get a deal. Not only were they on sale, but I promise you that they are some of the most comfortable heels I own. The bottom of the sandal is well padded, but you can't tell by looking at it. The older I get, the more I totally respect a heel that is both cute AND comfortable -  and I have mad respect for these... 

I used my last drop of perfume a few weeks ago, so I shopped for more during my break. I'm not one of those girls who has an abundance of perfume sitting on her dresser to choose from each day. To avoid making yet another decision in a day, I like to just stick to one perfume at a time. I've worn Tocca fragrances for several years and had every intention to try something totally different. That was until I smelled Tocca's Liliana. It's a mix of Italian Bergamot, White Peony, Peach, and a little Sandlewood. It smelled so fresh and clean when I sampled it - so Tocca again it is... :)

I linked to these espadrilles in this post and now that I'd have them, I can tell you that this was yet another successful online purchase. My old black espadrilles saw their final day last summer, so I got this classic pair of espadrilles during one of Banana Republic's 40% off sales (which they have often). These are yet another pair of shoes that I have a lot of respect for. Cute and super comfy! They pair perfectly with anything from dresses, to shorts, to flared jeans (which I'm so happy they are back!). 

If you follow me on Instagram, then you might assume that Porter magazine is one of my favorite magazines. If so, your assumption is correct. I love the photography and the amazing stories of great women. But the last page of the magazine is always my favorite. I love the "Golden Rules" column - a column where influential women tell their ten golden rules for life. I watch Ellen's show every single day, so I was thrilled to see that she was featured. I thought every rule she had was so true - especially #3 and #4 (obviously). Of course #10 was no surprise... :)

And... this week's flowers. :)

Images by me

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  1. Sounds like you really did maximize your time off! I'm looking forward to reading The Girl on the Train. I've been on my library's waiting list for two months already. I never did get around to Gone Girl, but now I don't feel bad about that any longer thanks to your review. Enjoy your week!

    1. A friend of mine is something like #480 on the list at her library for the book, so you aren't the only one! But it's certainly worth waiting for! I hope you enjoy your week, too!

  2. Good for you Tiffany. I saw that spa pick been in ATL for years have never been there. You did a wonderful job using your time to the full. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks! You should definitely go. It's really one of the best spas I've been to and it's totally worth it!

  3. Well you were missed! Glad you recharged, though. I always enjoy your beautiful posts.


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