
Photography 101

I mentioned here that I was taking a photography class this summer. Well I meant spring... Yesterday was actually my last day of class! I loved it! I now know how to use all of the buttons on my camera and have a basic idea of how to take decent pictures.

Below are some photos that I had to turn in for "homework." I don't think I have ever been so excited about having homework! It was easier to meet the requirements of most of the assignments by taking photos of outside elements, so you won't see a lot of pictures of interiors. I practiced taking pics of interiors by shooting my own living room. You can see them here

I actually used the wrong setting (which was part of the assignment) when I took the picture of the rose, but I think it still turned out neat.

The following pictures are some shots that I took at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens... 

And you know I had to get some shots of my Maxwell!

Our last homework assignment was to bring in ten of our favorite photos and a sweet treat. So I made these red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese and white chocolate frosting...

Don't those look yummy?? You can find the recipe here

The good thing is that they taste fabulous! The bad thing is that I forgot them on my way to class! So they are still in my kitchen saying screaming, "Eat me." Not good. :)
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  1. Sweetheart you are my giveaway winner, please leave me your adress and surname
    luv Chantal

  2. Beautiful pics! I really need to take a photography class, because my photog skills are definitely lacking. The cupcakes look scrumptious! Good luck not eating them all! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Awesome job Tiffany! Really beautiful pictures! I love the one of Maxwell :) I'm getting new DSLR and I want to take a photography class too. I mean, it would suck to have such a great camera and not know how to use it!

  4. The pics of the cone flowers and daisies are my favorite. That is so cool that you took a photography class. I would love to do that - I just received my first DSLR for mother's day and I still haven't taken it off auto - ha! I hope you are having a great week!!

  5. beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  6. oh wow!!! those are beautiful! I just got my 1st "real" camera for Mothers day. I have had sooo much fun with it- but girl all those buttons scare the pee outta me. I have sooo much to learn,

  7. Your photo's are beautiful! And so is your cat, the eyes are stunning. Love your living room and the natural colors you used to decorate it.

  8. Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much for your sweet comments on Yummy Mummy. I'm so happy to have found your beautiful blog. I love the images. Those cupcakes look fantastic and your kitty is adorable. We love kitties <3
    I just opened a linky party for anything creative, so please come and link up, gain traffic, and join the par-tay.

  9. oops, here's the link:

  10. Tiffany...that is on my list also....the one that is about 100 things long:) Looks like you learned a lot because all of your images are beautiful :)


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