
An Organized Life: In The Kitchen

I had a day off this week and I spent most of it organizing. Organizing makes me happy. Period. 

I'm definitely no Martha Stewart, but I like to stalk the Organization section of her website to get new ideas. I love being in the kitchen, so I particularly love her suggestions for kitchen organization...

I never thought to use a cake stand for something other than displaying cakes or cupcakes. This would be a great (and stylish) way to organize ingredients for a recipe.

This is probably the drawer of a professional chef, which I am totally not, but it still makes me super happy. It makes me want to take a quick trip to The Container Store. 

I adore this idea! I often find it easy to find the pot I want, but have to turn over and move around 10 other pots to get the lid I need. That causes all kinds of noise that makes my cat think the world is coming to an end. 

I love to bake, so I store my flour and sugars in jars like these, sans the cute labels. My suggestion for storing flour and sugar is to store them in containers that have openings large enough for a cup measure. That makes it so much easier when you are measuring them for recipes. I really love those labels...

Do you have any good ideas for kitchen organization? I'd love to hear! 

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  1. Love all of these ideas! An organized kitchen is a must for me. Saves time and money.

  2. The pot lids! Doing this today ... thank you!!

  3. This post just makes me happy inside....I adore an organized kitchen!

  4. I am so not an organized person but organization makes me happy! I want it orderly I just don't want to be the one to do it. :-)

  5. Such wonderful ideas, my husband is an OCD neat fanatic so everything in this house is ridiculously organized, I actually like having someone like him to keep me in check because I could easily be a clutter kind of girl, I like 'stuff" he keeps it under control!

  6. I feel the same way and can't function in chaos! Love the idea for the pot lids. Mine are always somewhere in the back of the cabinet.

  7. My dream kitchen involves tons of labels and jars;)
    These are fantastic examples!

  8. I agree about storing your baking essentials in containers with wide enough openings to scoop from. Makes things so much easier. I use my P-touch for labeling, but those labels are so much prettier. Love the pot lids idea! Thanks for sharing.


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