
Happy Little Things

Hi guys! I hope you had a great weekend! Mines was FAB-U-LOUS! It was so good to have a little break from the everyday routine. I took a LONG nap on Friday, did lots of shopping, cooking and reading. The whites of my eyes are white again instead of various shades of red and I have a fresh mani/pedi. I'm happy. Here are some other happy little things in my world right now...

I haven't had the time to decorate my new office yet, but I do grace it with fresh flowers every week. I just get a cheap little bunch from the grocery store and they really do help me get through the week. I'm loving my Anthro mug, too.

Over the weekend, I indulged in spicy tuna sushi and sweet potato fries. I love them- together. Weird I know, but it's so good! I also made some apple turnovers. They were delectable. The recipe will be up tomorrow!

I'm a lover of Sprite Zero, but have realized that it might be contributing to my migraines. I recently switched to San Pellegrino with fresh lime juice and LOVE IT. And of course Pilates does a body good, too. I went to my first session in 4 weeks yesterday. That's me doing "the hundred." I will never, in life, go that long without a session again. I'm certainly paying for it today.

 I have had my eye on the MK classic gold watch for months and I finally treated myself to it. The bangles are from Target. Ha. I also finished Grace's book this weekend and I am amazed at every page. Grace is truly inspiring and her book is a must read for lovers of design and DIY.

What happy little things are going on with you right now? 

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  1. So glad you had a relaxing weekend! I've been buying Pellegrino lately too. Good for you for going to pilates...I so need to get my butt in gear. Great watch and I really need to buy that book!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I needed some r&r after last week too; it feels so good to get back into the workout routine after being away from it. I got myself to cycling class this weekend and I"m still paying for it!!

  3. I am so happy you had a great weekend! You deserve it. I LOVE Pelligrino and always have it on hand. Can't wait for the apple turnover recipe. Perfect for this time of year!

  4. look how cute you are doing pilates! And I LOVE the MK watch! so chic.
    Glad to have you back!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I spent mine unpacking all possible bags God invented and will declare weekend today! :)
    xxx from Greece

  6. Those are all happy inducing things! Hope that your Monday is as lovely as the weekend clearly was. xo

  7. everytime i walk into anthropologie and i saw those beautiful initial mugs i walk out and always say to myself why don't i buy one? they are only $6 and so cute ok next time i WILL purchase one!

  8. totally wish i could have had sushi with ya lady!!! looks delish! you must make the apple turnovers the next time i come over :)

  9. Your weekend sounds like a dream! It's the little things that make me happy too. Can't wait for the turnover recipe! YUM!

  10. oh you had a great weekend, good you did your pilates! xoxoxo

    Chantal from Beau Lifestyle

  11. OOO, let's go have sushi! So glad you had such a great weekend. You so deserved it!

  12. So glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend! Your Anthro mug looks adorable, so impressed with you doing Pilates, now I want to try San Pelligreno with lime, and LOVE your new watch (you deserve it!).


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