

I adore that tile wall designed by Popham Design. Quite amazing... I surprisingly love that messy bed, too (I'm a bit of a neat freak). I know it's like 500 degrees in most of the country, but today I am wishing that I could escape to that messy, yet cozy bed with my latest read, which is coincidentally called Escape by Barbara Delinsky. It's about a woman named Emily, a Manhattan lawyer who is dealing with a crazy case, a Blackberry full of e-mails, billable hour demands and a distant, workaholic husband- to say the least. She just wants to escape it all- and one day she does just that. She literally, without notice, leaves her job, her husband and a pile of bills to "figure things out." I admit I have times when I'm overwhelmed and I just want to escape, too... I'm at the part where Emily takes her husband's high end car and leaves town. I can't wait to see where she goes and what happens next. If only I could find out while buried in that cozy bed that's in front of that gorgeous wall...

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  1. I love the wallpaper on the wall! I've been thinking about doing a wallpaper wall in my own bedroom as a "feature."

  2. That definitely looks like one cozy bed =)

  3. This bedroom is pure serenity!


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