

Happy Friday my friends!! What's going on with you this weekend? This weekend will be quite busy for me, but I'm actually excited about that! The updates to my master bathroom will be started and hopefully completed on Monday. My bedroom will also be painted. And did I tell you I'm updating my home office, too?? That room will be painted as well. So I have lots of prep work to do. After that and a best friend's birthday party, I hope to finalize my design board for my master bedroom. I'll be sure to share it with you when I'm almost certain about it. :) I found some good links this week, so I hope you enjoy them! Have a great weekend.

The before and after of this foreclosure is stunning...

A delectable chocolate and vanilla slideshow...

These tacos look great... The kitchen she is making them in looks great, too...

I haven't shopped at The Limited in years, but it looks like that is about to change...

Five good apps for the creative... (You can find me on Pippit @savorhome!)

Loved how she "reset" her life. This is also a new favorite blog series of mine...

On conquering negativity... Gosh this was right on time for me.

A sale I'm always checking out...

Image via Domino

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  1. What gorgeous library, I've always dreamed about big library but for now I live in a small flat and haven't enough space :(
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